Grace Fellowship Church
122 Coursevall Dr.
Centreville, MD 21617
Lord's Day Services
Sunday School: 9:00 - 9:45 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:00 a.m.
Grace Fellowship offers Sunday School classes for adults, teens and children. Currently the adults and teens meet together for Sunday School. Children's Sunday School, utilizing Generations of Grace curriculum, is available for children 3-12.
Nursery for infants and children through 3 years old is provided during the sermon portion of our worship service.
Contact Information
Pastor Grant: (970) 946-9820
Email: pilgrim@safeaccess.com
Church Office: (410) 829-6356
Email: contact@graceontheshore.org
Church Location
122 Coursevall Dr.
Centreville, MD 21617
Mailing Address
Grace Fellowship
PO Box 435
Centreville, MD 21617